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Life hack: The california roll for your doona cover

July 26, 2016 1 min read


Love the feeling of freshly washed sheets but sick of sweating up a storm trying to stuff your doona into the covers? Introducing the California roll. A life hack for making your bed.

  1. Turn your doona cover inside out and lay it flat on the bed with the open end away from you.
  2. Lay the doona on top of the cover, corners matching and nice and straight.
  3. Starting at the closed end, roll both layers up, until resembles a jam roll! Adjust as you go so it is nice and straight, this makes it neater and easier to roll.
  4. Pull the cover opening back over the ensemble neatly, stuffing the doona into the inside of the cover the whole way along.
  5. Do up the press studs, ties or zip on the cover.
  6. Start to unroll, gently pulling the edges out as you roll.
  7. Give it a shake and viola!

Forget the straining, sweating and stuffing! Check out this demonstration from Crane and Canopy.  

Logistics Status & Pricing Update | 8th Feb 2022

Further to the previous logistics update, the spread of omicron variant continues to play havoc with many courier drivers, warehouse staff, forklift drivers, container unpack crews and administrators across the country.

To make logistics even more difficulty the East-West rail line is closed due to significant flooding including to both the Eyre and Stuart Highways, South Australia.

Please allow (at least) an extra 14 business days on top of your estimated date for arrival.

envirocare earth has always worked our best to minimise delivery costs but as a result of the ongoing issues affecting logistics all online orders will now attract a delivery charge.

FLAT RATES -  WA $15.00, INTERSTATE $20.00.

We encourage you to order in bulk; saving on product, delivery and helping the environment.

Your patience and understanding is appreciated and we hope that normality can return soon.

envirocare earth

Omicron Logistics Status Update | 12th Jan 22

The rapid spread of the Omicron variant has further impacted the logistics industry. This includes many courier drivers, warehouse staff, forklift drivers, container unpack crews and administrators.

Due to the widespread impact of Omicron infections, our partnered carriers across the network are experiencing both a surge in parcel deliveries and major disruptions to their delivery services. With a significant number of people in self-isolation in accordance with state regulations and public health orders, delivery delays are expected across the network due to driver shortages, depots experiencing temporary closures and/or operating with significantly reduced staff.

This has also created some lags in tracking details being updated on carrier websites.

Please allow (at least) an extra 14 business days on top of your estimated date for arrival.

Your patience and understanding is appreciated.

envirocare earth